Our dying Savior blessed us with His famous last words. In this series, we’ll unpack the depth and practical application of the final words Jesus uttered before giving His life.

Week 1: “Father, Forgive Them”

In this message we will be looking at Jesus’ words on the cross dealing with forgiveness. When incredible hurt is inflicted on us, how does God want us to deal with it? We find that answer in how God Himself dealt with injustices against Him.

Week 2: “My God, My God, Why?”

This week we will be looking at the passage in Matthew when Jesus asked his Heavenly Father “Why”. We will be looking at two perspectives when it comes to understanding hard questions.

Week 3: “It Is Finished”

Done. Accomplished. Paid in full. Last words have power and significance. This week we take a look at how Scripture was fulfilled through Jesus' final and ultimate sacrifice for our sin.

Week 4: “Today You Will Be With Me In Paradise”

What does it take to get to Heaven? Throughout many centuries, kings and peasants alike have puzzled over this question. Easter Sunday, we will be looking at Jesus’ words to a thief beside Him on the cross and see if we can solve the riddle, answering the question, “What makes me right with God?”